Built For Growth-Centric Organisations

Build the environment where everyone excels

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“85% of career success comes from having well-developed soft skills and people skills. Only 15% from technical skills.”


When Employees Grow, So Does Your Company

C-Coach helps employees uncover and develop their blind spots, while giving managers the tools to support employee growth.

Backed by the principles of psychology, neuroscience, and change management, C-Coach takes a mechanistic approach to developing soft – or, ‘power’ – skills.

Culture Creation
Be intentional about the culture you create. Its impact has reaching ripple effects.
Scalable Performance Development
Give every employee the chance to excel with personalised performance coaching, online.
Supported & Supportive Managers
Provide managers access the data and tools, that allow them to lead, not just manage.

“From the moment I started using C-Coach at university, I knew I’d found something that would make professional and personal development simple, practical and interesting.  C-Coach takes you through different areas to unlock your true potential, then though videos, articles, book recommendations, podcasts and more, to build on these strengths and weaknesses.

I still share some of the materials with friends and family as they dramatically changed my perception on a range of subjects.

I see C-Coach as an invaluable tool when in comes to professional and personal development.”

Natalie Lauraine, Alumni, using C-Coach

Universal Recipes for Success

By developing these 8 power skills – with their corresponding 72 competencies and 820+ behaviours – individuals can maximise their capability.

C-Coach uses a science-backed coaching framework to guide employees and managers, to take you through critical steps required to change your human competence superpowers.

C-Coach takes users through 4 stages of change:

  1. Awareness – from being unaware of your strengths and weaknesses
  2. Acceptance – of what you do and don’t know and deciding to do something about it
  3. Action – to improve your competence
  4. Habit – repeated experience in using your new competence and making it habitual.

C-Coach is specifically designed to take you seamlessly through this journey, to get you to be unconsciously competent; the stage where you are at your most effective in a way that feels effortless.

Watch Your Organisation Thrive with C-Coach

Powerful Performance

Better performance starts with identifying blind spots. With C-Coach, individuals go on a personalized growth journey from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence. Elevated competence leads to the best performance.

Consistent Standards

Having a consistent set of standards puts managers, individuals and teams on the same page. With a common language for specific skills, teams can communicate and collaborate better. From there, anything is possible.

Data-Driven Conversations

Discussing someone’s weaknesses is not easy. C-Coach provides measurable data on an individual’s growth journey that managers can use to host breakthrough conversations. With C-Coach, subjective opinions are replaced with objective insights.

Connectedness in Hybrid Workforces

C-Coach connects team members that don’t sit together. Managers get to see how individuals are skilling up without looking over their shoulders. Meanwhile, colleagues can connect in community forums to support each others’ progress.

Talent Management

When an individuals’ skillset is perfectly suited to their role, magic happens. C-Coach allows team leaders to match roles with capabilities – leading to resilient, performance-driven benches. It also makes promoting and confirming non-fits much easier.

Community Types

Growing Together Has its Benefits

Open Community
C-Coach’s open community is best for individuals and small-medium-sized businesses. It’s made up of users across the world from different organisations, industries and walks of life. Users in the open community can chat, ask for help, and support each other along their journeys.
Closed Community
C-Coach’s closed community is for businesses that want to keep their employees’ collaboration and connection centred around their organisation. Organisations with closed communities can also add their own internal development content, create bespoke standards and roles, and connect to existing systems or platforms.
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C-Coach is simple to use but the results and areas of impact are massive. Sounds too good to be true?

Call us and let us show you how.