“HR Sucks”

A question… whose role is it to change this? and how?

I love what HR can and should be…. but so often it self regulates itself into ER and protecting the company.

There are huge challenges and so many amazing people in HR are trapped and frankly knackered and fed up of trying to push water uphill. Problems continue to pile up, as existing challenges don’t go away.

Some great thought leaders are starting to challenge the status quo, but it will take some forward looking HR, L&D and business practitioners to break out of the old and into the effective!

There is another way to start to solve problems but it needs a catalyst, simplify focus and create amazing employee experiences.

See LinkedIn for more: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/paulburtonpobi_hr-humanresources-talentmanagement-activity-7037046432637296641-d1SN/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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