Transform Your Business Performance with Workforce Soft Skills

C-Coach: Development-as-a-Service that Unlocks Growth

C-Coach transforms human potential into significantly improved business performance by building the soft skills that drive business success.

Our unique platform delivers personalised development at scale via digital micro-learning to build essential soft skills – from communication to collaboration and problem-solving to leadership – driving individual, team, and company success.

The result: supercharged workforce competencies focused on the skills that matter – and an impressive ROI

Unlock the Potential of Soft Skills

85% of an individual’s contribution to overall business performance comes from their soft skills, yet only 28% of training and development focuses on this.

Why? Because it's complicated, costly and usually neither the capacity nor culture is there to support it.

C-Coach’s Development-as-a-Service platform bridges this gap and improves business performance.

Your Data-Driven Leadership & Soft Skills Partner

Here's 9 ways we help drive business success, in Individuals, in Leaders and in Organisations:

Empowering Individuals

1. Take Charge of Your Growth:
The app empowers employees to identify critical soft skill gaps, like communication and collaboration, essential for both their current role and future career aspirations.

2. Targeted Micro-Learning:
It provides immediate access to bite-sized learning modules that automatically target priority development areas, boosting both performance and well-being.

3. Measurable Improvement:
C-Coach’s engaging UI and behavioural nudges foster positive learning habits, leading to demonstrably improved soft skills and career progression.

Building Teams

1. Managers Become People Leaders:
Managers are coached to support their team members across soft-skill development, upskilling them to become better leaders.

2. Boosted Team Development:
Real-time insights on development enable team focus areas to be identified, and training assigned to fill any performance gaps.

3. Collective Culture: 
The app helps individuals and teams find others developing similar skills – enabling connected learning and mentorship.

Driving Business Performance

1. Strategic Development Initiatives:
Align your business with specific values, training requirements or HR initiatives, with micro-learning programs deployed across the entire organisation.

2. Enhanced Organisational Effectiveness:
Foster a culture of continuous improvement and unlock your organisation’s full potential.

3. Impressive ROI:
C-Coach’s unique platform is the most cost-effective soft skill development solution on the market, delivering significantly improved business performance for a fraction of the cost of traditional consultancy.

The Fly-Wheel of Change

C-Coach’s Development-as-a-Service platform drives results via a unique self-reinforcing cycle we call the "Flywheel of Change."

Through personalised learning, insightful data, and expert human support, individuals, teams, and organisations experience continual improvement.

And because everyone contributes and receives value from the platform, it helps both drive collective success and on-going engagement.

Connecting People

C-Coach is also unique in the power of connectivity it brings to organisations. Because the app tracks what skills the people in your business have and are developing, it connects talent with need. So whether you need help with critical thinking workshops or productivity guides, it can help you find your business’ talent. Plus, it also connects people on similar development journeys – forging collective learning and fostering teams.

Our Partners

The C-Coach Difference

  • Development Flywheels: Micro-learning combined with personalised dashboards and behavioural-nudges keeps individuals motivated, while tracking progress and rewarding completion reinforces positive learning habits.

  • Powerful Leadership Tools: C-Coach coaches managers to become effective people leaders, supporting holistic development and aligning individual skills with broader team and business objectives.


  • Quick to deploy: Initial individual assessments done in under half-an-hour, with micro-learning 5-15 min modules ready immediately.


  • Alignment: Our programs allow you to align behavioural and cultural expectations and performance objectives – fostering a productive organisational culture.

  • Cost-Effective All-in-One Solution: C-Coach offers a scalable and affordable way to bridge the skills gap and unlock the full potential of your workforce.

The Impact We Create

For Colleagues

Supercharge your career with C-Coach: Unlock personal growth and job satisfaction through tailored soft skills development delivered in bite-size chunks.

For Managers

Lead with confidence and clarity: Enhance your leadership and team management skills with C-Coach’s focused soft skills training.


For Businesses

Transform your organisation with C-Coach: Drive superior performance and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement through strategic soft skills development.

I’m not an expert in everything & time poor. C-Coach helps my team to help themselves, it helps shift my time to target help rather than guessing what’s needed.

Get Started with C-Coach Today

Join us on this transformative journey as we help you connect with your employees, enhance performance, and create a thriving work environment, where individuals want to work and businesses prosper.

Explore our services, learn more about our approach and contact us today to embark on a new era of success with C-Coach.

Welcome to a brighter future for your organisation!